Complacency and Contempt:Recently I heard someone say "familiarity breeds complacency", a slightly different version of the old saw "familiarity breeds contempt". It got me thinking about some of the most familiar of relationships and what can too easily happen to them.All relationships of any real more
Archives for April 2015
I Love You Just the Way You Are: The Power of Acceptance
One day the Sun and the Wind were having a bit of an argument about who was more powerful. Finally, they decided to have a contest to end the disagreement. The Wind noticed a woman wearing a light overcoat and said "Whoever gets that coat off the woman is the most powerful and wins." The Sun more
Could Your Child Have PANDAS? A Parent Nightmare
Recently I was called upon to help with the psychiatric part of a case I believe is really PANDAS. In route to that, I’ve been learning a lot more than I knew before and thought it might be helpful to many parents out there as well. PANDAS stands for Pediatric Auto-immune Neuro-Psychiatric Disease more
Are You An Orchid, a Dandelion or Something In-Between? High Sensitivity.
“Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears.” (Edgar Alan Poe) A high appreciation of art, being deeply moved by music, becoming absorbed in nature and appreciating everything around you, noticing small details. These are types of more
Dating Someone You Have to Stretch to See in Your Forever Future?
You probably know how it feels to go out with someone who has all the qualifications of a great match. He has a good career, others like him, he treats you well, etc. In other words, he looks good "on paper". However, there is one thing that just doesn’t check out: you’re gut. If you’ve ever been more